Discipline is not something that is imposed;
it is a way of living with a clear intention.
-Kennth G. Mills
Discipline is a dedication to your truth.
-Nancy Slonim Aronie
Discipline is an index to doctrine.
Discipline is the bridge
between goals and accomplishment.
-Jim Rohn
Self-discipline is the central axle
of all productive activity.
-Martin Goldsmith
doing what you have to do,
and doing it as well as you possibly can,
and doing it that way all the time.
-Bobby Knight
Discipline is remembering what you want.
-David Campbell
Discipline really means
our ability to get ourselves to do things
when we don't want to.
-Arden Mahlberg
Discipline is doing within
while you do without.
-Denis Waitley
Self-discipline is when your conscience
tells you to do something
and you don't talk back.
-W. K. Hope
What is it to have self-discipline?
It is to be able to say, 'I can' and not 'I cannot'...
When a person says,
'I cannot tolerate, I cannot endure,
I cannot bear, I cannot forgive',
these are all signs of lack of self-discipline.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline;
the sense of dignity grows
with the ability to say no to oneself.
-Abraham J. Heschel
Discipline should not be practiced
like a rule imposed on oneself from the outside,
but that it becomes an expression of one's own will;
that it is felt as pleasant,
and that one slowly accustoms oneself to a kind of behavior,
which one would eventually miss, if one stopped practicing it.
-Erich Fromm
Right discipline consists, not in external compulsion,
but in habits of mind which lead spontaneously
to desirable rather than undesirable activities.
-Bertrand Russell
The secret of discipline is motivation.
When a man is sufficiently motivated,
discipline will take care of itself.
-Alexander Paterson
A disciplined mind leads to happiness.
An undisciplined mind leads to suffering.
-Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama
Self-discipline is a way to organize
and concentrate unruly forces of the mind
on habits of living that can bring true happiness.
It is when we start to discipline our mind
that we discover how many undisclosed relationships
it already has.
-Henry S. Haskins
Check thoughts of agitation, anger, depression, prejudice, hatred.
This give moral discipline.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Everything of value requires
care, attention and discipline.
Our thoughts require discipline.
-Jim Rohn
Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.
If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do.
Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.
-Napoleon Hill
To develop the habit of self-discipline,
you first make a firm decision
about how you will behave in a particular area of activity.
Then refuse to allow exceptions
until the habit of self-discipline in that area is firmly established.
-Brian Tracy
In essence, if we want to direct our lives,
we must take control of our consistent actions.
It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives,
but what we do consistently.
-Anthony Robbins
Over time,
as daily routines become second nature,
discipline morphs into habit.
-Twyla Tharp
What we will do on some great occasion
will probably depend on what we already are;
and what we already are will be the result
of previous years of self-discipline.
-H. P. Liddon
Self-discipline is that which, next to virtue,
truly and essentially raises one man above another.
-Joseph Addison
In reading the lives of great men,
I have found that the first victory they won
was over themselves...
self-discipline with all them came first.
-Harry S. Truman
Constant confidence 
is the achievement of a self-disciplined life.
-Sri Chinmoy
Without discipline,
there's no life at all.
-Katharine Hepburn
He who lives without discipline
dies without honor.
-Icelandic Proverb
It is one thing to praise discipline,
and another to submit to it.
-Miguel de Cervantes
No horse ever gets anywhere until it is harnessed.
No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined.
No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled.
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.
-Harry Emerson Fosdick
The joy is so much greater
because you keep under control;
it is just like not adding more fuel to the fire.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
If you're not willing to accept your own discipline,
you're not going to accomplish two percent of what you could -
and you're going to miss out on 98% of good things you could have.
-Tom Hopkins
A lack of discipline in the small areas of life
can cost you heavily in the more important areas of life.
-Jim Rohn
You don't have to change that much
for it to make a great deal of difference.
A few simple disciplines can have a major impact
on how your life works out in the next 90 days,
let alone in the next 12 months or the next 3 years.
-Jim Rohn
Discipline of mind and body 
is one of the most difficult things one has to acquire, 
but in the long run it is a valuable ingredient of education 
and a tremendous bulwark in time of trouble.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
For every disciplined effort,
there are multiple rewards.
-Jim Rohn
Discipline for me has always been the foundation
which leaves me free to fly.
-Julie Andrews
Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?
-Geneen Roth
Guard your self-control as a precious treasure
for there is not greater wealth in life than this.